Monte Cassino

Monte Cassino

The Battle of Monte Cassino took place from the 17 January 1944 to the 18 May 1944. It was a series of four offensives carried out by Allied troops in central Italy (who was a key ally of Germany) in an attempt to breakthrough the Winter Line and occupy Rome. On the..Read More

El Alamein

The Allies attacked Nazi troops stationed near El Alamein in Egypt. By the 2 November 1942, the Nazi defenses were near breaking point. By the 11 November, the battle was over, leaving the Allied troops victorious. The battle marked a turning point in the North Africa campaign, reviving the morale..Read More

The Nuremberg Trials

The trials of 22 top-level Nazi war criminals began at Nuremberg. They were tried for crimes against humanity and war crimes by a court of Allied judges. Twelve of the defendants were sentenced to death.

End of the Second World War

Following a second atomic bomb, Japan announced its surrender in a radio address by Emperor Hirohito. The government signed the Japanese Instrument of Surrender on 2 September 1945, officially ending World War Two.

Atomic bomb in Hiroshima

The US army dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima at 8.15am. 80,000 people died immediately. Thousands more died of their injuries and radiation sickness.

Potsdam Conference

At the Potsdam Conference, both Germany and Berlin were partitioned into four zones of occupation. A Soviet zone in the East, an American, a British and a French zone in the West.

Germany surrenders

At 2.41pm, General Jodl and Admiral Friedeburg signed documents of unconditional surrender at Eisenhower’s headquarters. The following day was declared the Day of Victory in Europe by Churchill and Truman.